THREE strategies to tackle ill health and promote well-being in Sedgefield borough will be launched next week.

Action plans to boost physical activity, healthy eating, and smoke-free environments across the borough have been produced by the Local Strategic Partnership (LSP).

Elaine Rodger, health development manager from the North East Assembly, will join the LSP at the Red Lion, in Trimdon village, on Tuesday, to help celebrate the 18 months of hard work that has gone into the plans.

Sedgefield LSP chairman, Councillor Kester Noble, will also be present to sign a Smoke-Free Charter on behalf of Sedgefield Local Strategic Partnership.

Other speakers include Dr Dinah Roy, chairwoman of Sedgefield Primary Care Trust (PCT) professional executive committee, Rachel Beck, a member of the public health improvement team, and Gordon Wright, landlord of the Red Lion, which is the first pub in the borough to go smoke-free.

Dr Alyson Learmonth, director of public health for Sedgefield PCT and Sedgefield Borough Council, said: "More than 800 people die of coronary heart disease each year in Sedgefield borough.

"Encouraging people to change their lifestyles is an important part of our plan to reduce the number of people suffering chronic illness in the community and to improve life expectancy.

"The benefits of healthy eating, physical activity and smoke-free environments are seen not only in our own well-being but also impact on health care through reducing the number of people who develop cancer, obesity, diabetes, mental health and long-term conditions."