SOME of the brightest people working in mental health in the region have come together to launch a research partnership.

The group will mean Newcastle and Durham universities linking up with four mental health trusts.

The aim is to raise the standard of research into mental health in the region, involve patients more closely in developing research projects and to make the best use of resources.

Professor Nicol Ferrier, a consultant psychiatrist of Newcastle University, who will lead the group, said: "For many years, excellent and groundbreaking work has been taking place in this region in the field of mental health research and we want to build on that.

"One advantage of this new approach is that we will be able to work more effectively with frontline staff, service users and carers across the whole area to focus on the topics that are important to the people using mental health services.

"It will also enable us to develop large-scale projects that will inform national policy and practice in mental health. Overall, it will broaden the scope and capacity of the work carried out across North-East England and make us a key player in mental health research."

Members of the group gathered at the Centre for Life in Newcastle yesterday to celebrate its creation.

It will be part of a national organisation to be known as the UK Mental Health Research Network, which is being set up with Government funding.

The group will also share information with neghbouring organisations.