A COMPANY that supplies Sky television equipment is being wound up.

A downturn in turnover, increased competition and problems with Trading Standards have been blamed for the closure of Network Services (Cleveland), in Hartlepool.

Thirteen companies, who are collectively owed more than £120,000, have been called to a creditors meeting on February 15, at which the company is expected to go into liquidation.

Insolvency specialist Taylor Rowlands said the company, which fits satellite television equipment, had fallen upon hard times in recent months.

"The firm has seen a significant downturn in turnover," said Harvey Madden, partner at Taylor Rowlands, in Yarm, near Stockton, Teesside. "The firm has had dealings on trading standards and there was a police raid on the premises in October 2005. They have taken away the company's records.

"There has also been an increase in competition, and these things together have meant the company can't see any way forward. The firm has ceased trading and called a meeting of creditors. They have suggested that the company be put into liquidation."

Network Services, in Elwick Road, was established in 1992 and employs about nine people.

Director Alan Williamson yesterday declined to comment.

A spokesperson for Hartlepool Trading Standards would only confirm that inquiries were ongoing.