A MURDER inquiry was launched yesterday after a Darlington mother-of-two was found beaten to death.

Police believe 43-year-old Sharon McShane suffered a prolonged attack at the hands of her killer in a flat on the town's Red Hall estate.

The murder came only 11 hours after a 45-year-old mother was stabbed yards from her home near Durham City. On Thursday, Linda Hewitt, of Ryelands Way, Pity Me, died from internal bleeding after she was attacked at 7.30am.

Her former husband was charged with her murder yesterday.

And in the latest incident, police were called to a flat in Murrayfield Way, Darlington, after reports of a serious assault at about 6.20pm the same day.

A 44-year-old man, understood to be Mrs McShane's partner, was arrested and was last night being questioned by police.

One neighbour, who asked not to be named, said she felt sorry for Mrs McShane's two sons, who were from a previous relationship

"Sharon was one of the nicest people you could meet, she didn't deserve this," she said.

Detective Superintendent Andy Reddick, who is leading the investigation, said: "We believe this was a prolonged and violent assault and there would have been some noise in the flat.

"We are appealing for anybody with any information to come forward and they will be treated in the strictest confidence."

Officers yesterday began carrying out inquiries on the estate. An area outside the ground-floor flat was taped off.

Mrs McShane's house in Bramall Lane was also sealed off and crime scene investigators were carrying out detailed forensic examinations at both homes.

A post-mortem examination to establish the cause of death was being held last night by Home Office pathologist Bill Lawler.

Barry Latcham, who lives in Bramall Lane, which backs on to the flats where Mrs McShane was found, said: "It's terrible. As a rule, it's fairly quiet round here.

"We didn't hear anything. The first I knew of it was when my wife came in and said 'have you seen all the police?'."

An elderly neighbour said: "It's absolutely awful. You wonder what the world's coming to. I just feel so sorry for the woman.

"Normally, the only time you ever see anyone round here is when people walk past with their dogs."

Police would like to hear from anybody who saw or heard any suspicious activities in Murrayfield Way or Bramall Lane between 3pm and 8pm on Thursday.

Anyone with information is asked to call 0845 60 60 365, extension 6712120, or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Meanwhile, Durham Police said yesterday that they had charged the former husband of Ms Hewitt with her murder.

Former civil servant David Turner, 47, of Farnham Road, Newton Hall, Durham City, is due before magistrates in Peterlee this morning.

As inquiries continued yesterday, Detective Harry Stephenson said there had been a good response to appeals for information and urged anyone who may have seen anything to come forward.

He said: "People were passing through that estate on foot and in cars, from about 7am, who may have spotted things that could be important. We'd like them to get in touch as a matter of urgency.''

Anyone with information is asked to call police on 0845 60 60 365, or through Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.