OPTIMISTIC manager Steve McClaren hopes pledging his future to Middlesbrough could help in the club's search for a couple of new faces before the closure of the transfer window.

After initially being told there would be no cash available to bring in new faces until a number of the club's high-earners had been moved on, there is a strong chance a couple of signings could be made on or before January 31.

Southampton duo Rory Delap and Nigel Quashie were the latest names to have been mentioned yesterday, while Celtic's Didier Agathe could sign after training with the squad in Marbella this week.

"We had a couple of trialists over," said McClaren, who has chosen not to pursue his interest in Birmingham-bound Czech midfielder Martin Latka.

"Nothing has come of those yet but we still have a couple of days left and this is when you see all the activity. There's still time to bring one or two in. We have not lost our best players during this transfer window so far."

There also remains strong interest in Aussie defender Ljubo Milicevic, of Swiss side FC Thun, but he is struggling to receive a work permit having not played in 75 per cent of his country's internationals.

But the 24-year-old, who would not confirm Boro's interest directly, said: "There has been a bit of interest and one club - I don't want to say which - is putting an appeal to the home office that I should get a work permit."

Given Boro's plight in the Premiership - a situation they hope will not become worse with an FA cup exit at Coventry City today - McClaren is desperate to inject new blood into his playing staff.

Having very nearly suffered the ignominy of being dumped out by non-league Nuneaton Borough in the third round, when Boro needed a replay to outwit the part-timers, the Teessiders know how easy it is to slip up against lower league opposition.

But McClaren, who played down talk of unrest in the Boro dressing room after one of the most difficult periods of his leadership, sees their first trip to Coventry's new Ricoh Stadium as the perfect place to start a revival.

"The next game is always a perfect opportunity," he said. "The players can't wait. Coventry are a team we have every respect for. Every game in the FA Cup is difficult and Coventry had a great 6-1 win at Derby last week.

"They will be looking at this tie thinking there's a giant-killing to be had. We have to guard against that."

The three points which separate Boro from the relegation zone is uppermost in McClaren's mind but he has reassured supporters that a run in the FA Cup is vital to the season.

"The league is the priority but in our situation the next game could send us on a run," he said.

"I see the likes of Stewart Downing back from injury, then there's George Boateng and Franck Queudrue just two weeks or so away from a return. We need our best players back and when they are we will be OK.

"This cup tie comes at a good time for us. It's not going to be easy but one in which we can put smiles back on everyone's faces after a difficult week."

Read more about Middlesbrough here.