NEIGHBOURS on a quiet North-East estate saw a mother being stabbed to death after being woken by her screams.

The 45-year-old woman, of Ryedale Way, Pity Me, near the Arnison Centre on the outskirts of Durham City, is thought to have been going to work when her attacker struck outside her home at about 7.30am yesterday.

He repeatedly knifed her during a frenzied attack lasting more than five minutes and then knocked at a door to tell a neighbour what he had done, before sitting on a front step to wait for the police.

A 47-year-old man was last night helping detectives investigating the killing.

Police last named the dead woman as Linda Jane Hewitt, 45, a divorcee who lived with her son, James, 18, who is an A-level student at Framwellgate School.

Her parents, Ernest and Frances Hewitt, both in their 70s, live close by and have been told of her murder.

Ms Hewitt worked for Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs in Gosforth, Newcastle.

A police spokesman said a post-mortem examination by Home Office pathologist James Sunter revealed she died of internal bleeding caused by multiple stab wounds.

Residents described how the killer plunged a knife into the victim over and over again, slowly working his way up her body until he delivered a blow to her heart.

One resident, who asked not to be named, told how she saw the attack from her bedroom window after hearing the woman's screams.

She said: "I looked out and saw a man knocking a woman down and trying to stab her. He started from her stomach and worked upwards.

"It was horrible. It lasted five to seven minutes. She was struggling and kicking and screaming loudly, but she got weaker and the man stabbed her in the heart. There was lots of blood.

She added: "Everybody phoned the police, we were all on our mobiles. The man went to my next door neighbour's, saying, 'I killed her'.

"He was really calm and slow and sat on the step to get arrested.

"He left the long, thin knife in the woman's chest.

"It is the most horrific thing I have ever seen. I think she was on her way to work because she was all dressed up.''

A Durham Police spokes-man said last night: "Neighbours alerted police after screams were heard and a man and a woman were seen struggling outside a large detached house shortly after 7.30am.

"The victim is believed to have been alone in her house, which is part of a private estate made up of 100 properties.

"Detectives believe she may have been attacked as she was leaving the house.

"The first police officers on the scene found the woman lying fatally injured on a grass verge about 20 yards from her front door.

"A 47-year-old man, who was in the immediate vicinity, was taken to Durham City police station where he is being held for questioning.''

Detective Superintendent Harry Stephenson, who is heading the team investigating the killing, said the woman appeared to have tried to fight off her attacker, but was repeatedly stabbed.

"Although the inquiry is at an early stage and a lot of work needs to be done, it seems the victim may have been confronted as she was leaving her home to go to work and was attacked with a knife that has been recovered from the scene.''

The woman's house was taped off as was the verge, which is almost opposite, where she was killed.

A four-door saloon car parked a short distance away in a road leading to the Abbey Sports Centre was taped off and later removed.

Det Supt Stephenson appealed for anyone with information to come forward.

He said several people would have been walking or driving to work at the time of the killing.

He said that he wanted to hear from anyone who saw the attack, anyone acting suspiciously or a suspicious vehicle, from about 7am.

Witnesses are asked to call police 0845 60 60 365 or Crimestoppers, on 0800 555 111.