STAFF at a Darlington nursery are celebrating after it earned an award for staff training.

The William House Nursery, on Barton Street, has been awarded Investors in People status. Staff at the nursery worked for a year to earn the award.

Members of staff attended courses and gained qualifications, and tried to ensure there was continuous training.

Director Mary Boulton said: "We've really been working together, very much as a full team, and everybody has been participating.

"We're delighted to get the award, as it shows our staff are dedicated to working and training to a high standard and that can only be good for the children."

The nursery caters for up to 90 children between birth age and eight years.

Inspectors praised the way the staff worked and created a stimulating environment for the children.

Their report said: "William House Nursery is a splendid example of people working together to help youngsters and babies to the full.

"The leadership shows the way as senior and middle managers set examples of caring dedication and deep commitment."