A TOWN is looking to give its young people a bigger say in its future by forming a youth network.

It is hoped that the new network will unite smaller youth groups already running in Shildon, and help them work together to bring more facilities for young people to the town.

Youth leaders from Sedgefield Borough Council and Durham County Council were joined by young people and volunteers from youth community groups in the town, at a meeting this week to decide whether a youth community network would be the way forward.

A spokeswoman from the Shildon Centre, which co-ordinated the meeting, said that a lot of good feedback had come from it.

She said: "We were particularly pleased with the contributions from the young people, especially a presentation by Robert Bake and Grant Parker who came along to represent Sedgefield Borough's Kool Kash.

"A lot of people came along, including young people from organisations in the town, and we feel there is sufficient interest to explore the idea of setting up a youth forum.''

The idea of forming a youth community network in Shildon came after a review of facilities and activities for young people in the town was carried out.

The Shildon Centre was approached to carry out the review following a spate of anti-social behaviour and vandalism at the local scout hut.

The review talked to young people and looked at what was available for them, how more opportunities could be offered and how they would be able to take control of their own futures and have a say in future facilities and groups.

Another advantage of groups working together as part of a youth network would be working out a way to access different pots of funding which are currently not being tapped into and sharing experiences of various activities.

Young people wanting to be part of the network would at first be guided by experienced adults before being able to take more of a fundamental role and having their say.