A DEDICATED officer has been assigned to tackle the problem of mini motorbikes causing nuisance around Darlington.

Teenagers could have their mini motors confiscated if they are caught by PC Michael Dawson, who will be responsible for targeting the problem at various sites around the town.

The motors cannot be used on any council-owned land, which includes pavements and parks, and there are no dedicated places for them to be used in Darlington. They can only be used on private land with permission from the owner.

Police have the power to issue a warning notice - which lasts for 12 months - or seize the mini motor immediately.

The town's Streetsafe team used to deal with the problem until it was disbanded last September, and the growing number of complaints from residents encouraged Darlington police to appoint a dedicated officer.

PC Dawson, who used to be a member of the Streetsafe team, now has a motorbike to confront or chase anyone using mini motors in prohibited places, and has so far seized numerous bikes.

Last night, he encouraged concerned members of the public to contact him with details of problem areas, to help with the clamp-down.

"It is a problem in Darlington that police have not had enough time to deal with, and no one has had that as a dedicated role before.

"These motos can be a nuisance to people living near where they're used and they make a real mess of the land," said PC Dawson.

"There were about three complaints each day in September, and four a day in August, so it was something that needed to be addressed. Now I can target particular areas, so far to quite a degree of success.

"A lot of people don't realise you can't ride them anywhere in Darlington - Hardwick Hall in Sedgefield is the closest place - so it's also about raising awareness. I carry information sheets round with me all the time.

"There are quite a few mini or midi motos about at the minute, as a lot of them will have been given as Christmas presents, so we need anyone who has concerns about them being used where they live, to get in touch.

"Information from residents is a vital part of how we will help to deal with the problem."

Anyone who has concerns about mini motors being used in their area can contact PC Dawson on 0845 60 60 365.