A DEVELOPMENT company yesterday uncovered a drugs den in one of its newly acquired properties.

Westnew Management has converted more than 100 former colliery homes into modern houses in Easington Colliery, County Durham.

But moving into its latest acquisition in Avon Street, staff from the company were confronted with hypodermic needles and foil, some hidden under floorboards.

The find highlights the growing drugs problem in the once close-knit community.

Westnew director Tony Mann said it was unpleasant for his staff to find drugs paraphernalia all over the property, which is in one of the colliery rows featured in the Billy Elliot film.

Police yesterday said they were aware of the drugs problem in the village.

Sergeant Gary Webb said: "In tackling drug dealing in the Easington Colliery area, we have been carrying out a series of raids over the past few months, and there are more planned."

He said there had been a recurring problem with distant or absentee landlords who left properties vacant.

He said: "Some of these premises have then become used as drugs and drinking dens, and we would be interested to hear of houses which are apparently vacant and are being used for this purpose."