POLICE have pledged to keep a close eye on how licensed premises are being run in a North-East city in the coming year.

Officers in Newcastle carried out hundreds of visits to pubs, clubs and off-licences over the festive period to ensure premises were abiding by the new Licensing Act.

Two off-licences caught selling alcohol to youngsters are still unable to sell drink.

Last year, licensing officers, the Gosforth Community team and Newcastle Trading Standards established there was no premises licence in force at Punshons, in Gosforth High Street.

The store, which had already been fined for under-age sales, was barred from selling alcohol.

It re-applied for a licence, but this has been turned down by the licensing committee.

The hearing was told that, in addition to its convictions for underage sales, the store had recemtly sold more alcohol to 13 and 14-year-olds.

A Newcastle store which had its licence revoked after selling alcohol to underage teenagers, has withdrawn its application for a new licence.

Kumar's Store, in Willow Avenue, Fenham, sold drink to youngsters twice in two months, despite the licensee being spoken to at length about the laws on selling alcohol. The licensee appealed against the decision but this was turned down.