A KEY North-East attraction has received an unusual gift to add to its attractions.

Mowbray Park and Winter Gardens, in Sunderland, was delighted to receive a rare Dicksonia tree fern, which will take pride of place in its extensive collection.

The fern was a gift from the Friends of Mowbray Park and Winter Gardens, which was rebuilt in 2001 thanks to Heritage Lottery funding.

A variety of exotic plants already thrive in the dome of the Winter Gardens which boasts a collection of more than 1,500 species.

The tree fern promises to be a major attraction to visitors for years to come.

Sylvia Smith, chairwoman of the friends group, said yesterday: "We have donated the 4ft plant, a native of New Zealand, to add a species which was not already present in the collection.

"We are delighted that we could add something different to the huge variety which already exists.''

The money for the fern came from the friends' many fundraising events.