YOUNGSTERS will bring their history lessons to life when they live as the Romans did to make a film to boost their studies.

Pupils at St Charles' Primary School, Spennymoor, are busy working behind the scenes on a film they will star in and record at Arbeia Roman Fort, in South Shields, next month.

Year four pupils have written a story about a slave earning his freedom, in which they will act the characters, prepare props and costumes and record the film over two days at the museum.

The project for eight and nine-year-olds at the school is part of a region-wide initiative aimed at encouraging more young people to access local museums and to boost the relationship between schools and museums.

Class teacher and history co-ordinator Pam Elwell said: "Strengthening links with museums and making this film will really help bring history lessons alive, they'll remember this experience forever.

"They are really excited and hopefully the film will be used in schools across the region and maybe the country."