A PROJECT is to be opened to help patients with cancer and their families.

The Cancer Information Centre, funded by the County Durham and Darlington Acute Hospitals NHS Trust and Macmillan Cancer Relief, will be based at University Hospital of North Durham, and volunteers are needed to help offer support or advice.

More volunteers are also needed for the Cancer Information Centre, at Shotley Bridge Community Hospital, which has been open for 18 months.

Meetings will be held at University Hospital of North Durham on Thursday, February 9, at 1pm and 5.30pm, for anyone wanting information.

Each meeting will last no more than two hours and all are welcome.

Carolyn Wyatt, the centre's manager, said: "The meetings are a chance to find out a little bit more about what we do - and you will not have to give a commitment there and then.

"We're looking for people who are prepared to come in to help perhaps for a morning a week, or even just once a fortnight."

For more information, ring 0191-333 2815.