POLICE are investigating the illegal shooting of a rare goshawk.

The captive bird of prey was shot while being flown by falconry expert Tom Graham.

Mr Graham, from the Falcons of Thorpe Perrow centre, near Bedale, North Yorkshire, was sickened by the death.

He said: "The way field sports are today, we should be sticking together. It is absolutely ridiculous. It does not matter if it was chasing a rabbit or a pheasant."

The female bird was shot after flying on to private land while hunting.

The bird was less than a year old and had been hand-reared by Mr Graham.

Goshawks are protected under UK law, and police have launched an investigation.

Wildlife officer PC Mark Rasbeary said several people had been interviewed in connection with the shooting.

No arrests have been made.

The incident reinforces the region's unenviable reputation as the animal and bird cruelty capital of the country.

Grahame Madge, from the RSPB, said: "All wildlife crime is condemned by the RSPB.

"These birds are protected by law and it is not down to one individual to say if they should die."