A SEASIDE town became a little greener yesterday thanks to a joint tree-planting venture.

Peterlee and District Round Table teamed up with Seaham Town Council, Durham County Council and Parkside Infants School for the environmental project.

And at a ceremony at Parkside Neighbourhood Park in the town, a dozen trees were planted in the presence of Seaham's mayor, Councillor Edward Bell.

Members of the Round Table and employees from Seaham Town Council turned out to help with the work of planting the selection of ash and cherry trees.

Parks manager for the town council, Mike Preston, said the venture was part of a local contribution to the National Tree Week celebrations.

Mr Preston added: "We are very grateful for the support and help of those involved who are giving us positive assistance in the continuation of our environmental work in the town.''

He said it was planned for the young pupils who took part in the project to keep a close eye on the progress of the trees they had helped to plant.