A TEACHER is to realise her dream to take over the helm of a neighbouring school.

Mirjam Bhler-Willey will take charge of High Tunstall College of Science, in Hartlepool, when headteacher Ken Jones leaves at Easter for a school in London.

Mrs Bhler-Willey is assistant headteacher at Sedgefield Community College, a specialist sports college, and in the past 15 years has taught in four secondary schools in the North-East.

She was born in Switzerland and educated in Germany and has teaching qualifications from both German and English universities, including Durham.

Mrs Bhler-Willey, 40, said she was relishing the challenge ahead.

"I am delighted to be given the opportunity to lead the school through its next stage of development and I am looking forward immensely to the challenge," she said.

"I live in the catchment area, and over the years, I have followed High Tunstall's developments with interest. It has been an ambition of mine for some time to lead High Tunstall and now my dream has been realised.

"The governing body is very committed and, together with students, staff and parents, I am confident that the college's pursuit of excellence will be achieved."

Chairman of governors Ken Shepherd said: "Mrs Bhler-Willey demonstrated a clear vision for High Tunstall and I am very confident that she will prove to be a first class headteacher.

"She has a great commitment to education, cares passionately about students and places teaching and learning at the top of her agenda."

Mrs Bhler-Willey is married with a seven-year-old daughter.