PLANNERS are recommending the go-ahead for a scheme to pull down Harrogate's fire station.

Any agreement would pave the way for plans to build a replacement station, costing about £2.6m.

North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service's application for the site in Skipton Road, a conservation area, will be considered by Harrogate Borough Council planning committee on Tuesday.

The existing fire station includes a drill tower, parking, a range of two-storey and single-storey buildings with office facilities and vehicle bays.

A separate application for a replacement fire station is to be dealt with at a future date.

Planning officer Linda Drake said existing buildings do not contribute highly to the conservation area because of the materials used and their appearance.

She is recommending approval, as long as a condition is imposed preventing any demolition before letting of contracts for a replacement fire station at the site, bounded on either side by Grove Road and Chatsworth Road.