PLANS have been drawn up to demolish part of a former hotel to pave the way for a 77-bed care home.

Councillors will next week consider an application by Orchard Care Home Limited to develop the western block of Rose Manor Hotel, Horsefair, Boroughbridge.

A report to Harrogate Borough Council planning committee, which will debate the plan on Tuesday, says permission has already been given for the main hotel building to be used as a single house.

The application concerns a two-storey accommodation wing and modern two-storey staff accommodation building.

The site is partly bounded by a group of mature trees protected by a preservation order.

A report by planners to next week's meeting says the buildings "do not make a significant contribution to the character and appearance of the conservation area".

Approval to demolish should be conditional on a suitable redevelopment contract being let, say officers.

However, demolition would need to be carried out with care if damage to the group of "fine, protected trees" were to be avoided, they add.

Boroughbridge Town Council has no objection and councillors are being recommended to approve demolition.