A NORTH Yorkshire optical assistant is preparing for her sixth trip to Africa to help restore the sight of some of the world's poorest people.

Michele de Vaal, a volunteer with the Vision Aid Overseas charity, will lead a six-strong team to Ethiopia.

Ms de Vaal, from East Witton, near Leyburn, works for Cowen and Morgan Opticians, in Ripon.

She will set up eye clinics and distribute spectacles donated in the UK.

She said: "It is amazing how easily we take spectacles for granted in the UK. If you are short or long-sighted, it is impossible to consider your condition a disability.

"There are opticians on every high street in the country and almost nobody in the UK would ever go without.

"In Ethiopia, many people, especially youngsters, are severely disabled by poor eyesight and I am very excited about the opportunity to help these people."