CAKE and candles and a party helped celebrate Thomasina Grange's 100th birthday.

Family from as far as Canada joined the former school dinnerlady at the Parkside Day Centre, in Billingham, on Tuesday, the second party to mark her birthday.

Her son, Don, 59, said: "She's had a wonderful time. We had a big family party on Friday night as well, at Norton cricket club. It was lovely, because all the family were there, even my sister, Sheila, from Canada.

"It was a birthday to remember."

Mrs Grange, who is known as Ina, was born on January 20 1906 in Wheatley Hill, County Durham, and was the youngest of three sisters.

She married husband James in 1929, when the couple moved to Billingham, and had four children, Sheila, Don, Norma and James.

Daughter Sheila, who has lived in Canada for 41 years, came back to the UK to celebrate her mother's milestone birthday.

Mrs Grange, a widow who still lives in the home she shared with husband James, who died 20 years ago,has four grandchildren.