A MAN who shot his nephew in the neck with a crossbow in a row about a dog said he had acted in self defence after being threatened with a Samurai sword.

Allan Spensley, 43, of William Street, Bishop Auckland, County Durham, is also alleged to have thrown a burning rug into a caravan where Kenny Beal and his wife, Leanne, were staying.

Mr Spensley denies attempted murder, wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm and arson with intent to endanger life.

He told Teesside Crown Court he was good friends with his nephew.

But they fell out over Mr Spensley's Staffordshire bull terrier, Butch, which Mr Beal said kept him awake.

Mr Spensley said that before the incident, on September 24 last year, he was visited by Mr Beal, who told him to keep his dogs indoors, otherwise he would "smash his head in".

He then discovered Butch had gone missing and, fearing he had been killed, went with a friend to confront 25-year-old Mr Beal, taking the crossbow with him for protection.

Mr Spensley said Mr Beal laughed and taunted him about his wife, who had recently died.

He said he then came at him with a Samurai sword.

Mr Spensley said: "I said 'Kenny don't', but he just kept coming at us. That is when I fired in self defence.

"If I could turn the clock back, this would not have happened. I am very sorry I shot Kenny."

Mr Spensley said the friend that accompanied him started the fire, but he refused to name him. He also admitted he had been unable to tell police where the crossbow was.

Cross-examining Mr Spensley, Shaun Dodds, prosecuting, accused him of trying to deceive the jury.

He said Mr Beal had not armed himself with a Samurai sword, nor had there been a second man involved.

He said: "You are just making this up - you had gone there to kill this man."

Mr Spensley said: "I did shoot him, but I did not try to kill him."

The jury is expected to begin considering its verdict today.