A CHURCH service, recognising the efforts of people who have made a significant contribution to their community, will mark Holocaust Memorial Day in Darlington today.

The service, in the Dolphin Centre Central Hall, starts at 2pm and will be led by the Reverend Robert Williamson, of St Cuthbert's Church.

The national theme for this year's Holocaust Memorial Day is 'One Person Can Make A Difference,' and the Darlington service will include contributions from people across the borough who have enhanced their local area.

The aim is to involve people who have stood up to bullying, taken up voluntary work or helped their neighbours.

Schoolchildren will join councillors, representatives of local community and voluntary groups, council officers and the Mayor of Darlington, Councillor Stella Robson, for the service.

The event is also open to the public.

Coun Robson said: "It is vitally important that the terrible events of the Holocaust are not forgotten and this service, with its special theme, offers a good way for people from all walks of life to come together to remember."