AN NHS dentist who masturbated over a teenage patient as she lay unconscious in his chair having had a tooth out walked free from court yesterday.

Lee Gaukrodger, who initially tried to pass off semen in the 19-year-old's hair as polishing paste, later confessed it had been "something exciting to do", Newcastle Crown Court heard.

Gaukrodger, 29, admitted sexual assault in July last year at an earlier hearing.

Geoff Mason, prosecuting, told yesterday how the woman had gone to the Scrafton and Bond surgery, in Flagg Court, South Shields, South Tyneside, to undergo a scale and polish, plus a tooth extraction.

It was when a dental nurse left the room, against company protocol, to assist another dentist that South African-born Gaukrodger started masturbating.

Mr Mason said the woman was recovering from the effects of sedation and felt something wet hit her head.

"The dental nurse returned to the room and the defendant explained he had spilled polishing paste in the hair of the patient," he added.

The court heard how the woman contacted the police as soon as she got home and Gaukrodger was arrested at the surgery.

He refuted the woman's accusations, but later made a full confession, telling officers that he felt aroused but did anticipate the end result.

Gaukrodger told police: "I felt as though it would be something exciting to do. Once I started I just couldn't stop."

Defence barrister Paul Caulfield said a deeply remorseful Gaukrodger, whose wife had a baby in September, took five years to qualify as a dentist, but was professionally ruined by his actions.

Mr Caulfield said: "His professional body will no longer allow him to practise as a dentist."

Judge David Hodson said Gaukrodger's previous good character, his professional ruin, his genuine remorse, his guilty plea and the effect on his family meant an immediate custodial sentence was unnecessary.

He was sentenced to 12 months imprisonment suspended for two years, during which time he must take part in a sex offender group work programme.

Gaukrodger, of Kingsley Avenue, Gosforth, Newcastle, must register as a sex offender for ten years and is banned for life from working with children.

Judge Hodgson told him: "Any patient of any dentist expects they will be inviolate while undergoing treatment at the hands of the dentist."