A MUSICIAN from the North-East is returning to school this week to pass on tips in song-writing workshops.

Ady Ferguson, 26, a former pupil of Thornhill School, Sunderland, gained a GNVQ in music at Shiney Row College.

He has been a professional for the last two years and has appeared around the country with his latest musical offering, Season's Change.

It was recently chosen as CD of the week and Mr Ferguson was invited to appear on Radio Newcastle's Paddy MacDee show to perform a live set.

He has also been asked to pass on his knowledge to young people from Oxclose Community School, in Washington, which has specialist status for performing arts.

Mr Ferguson said: "I didn't actually start playing the guitar until I was 16, but quickly realised I wanted a career in music.

"I've always been realistic, though, and knew I had to keep working to record albums and make a real mark."

His big break came last year he won two competitions. One, at Sunderland University, earned him £500, which he invested in recording his album at a professional studio.

Critical acclaim of his album has reached Canada, and he has been asked to perform at a folk festival there next year.

Mike Foster, headteacher at Oxclose Community School, said: "At Oxclose, we do everything we can to help our pupils develop their musical and performing abilities.

"Asking those already within the industry to come into school and share what they have learned with us is all part of that learning process."