DRINKERS are being asked if they witnessed a serious assault at the weekend.

A 24-year-old Hartlepool man was attacked outside the upstairs toilets in the town's Bar Paris during the early hours of Sunday morning.

Cleveland Police believe three men are responsible for the attack, which left the victim needing hospital treatment for a serious shoulder injury.

The attackers, who struck at about 3.15am in the Victoria Road bar, are all described as white and in their early 20s.

One man is about 5ft 7in, of medium build, with blond spiky hair. He was wearing a light blue patterned short-sleeved shirt.

A second man is also about 5ft 7in, of stocky build, with short dark hair. He was wearing a dark T-shirt.

The third man is about 6ft 4in, thin build, with short dark hair, which was brushed forward.

Any witnesses are asked to call PC Andy Plant at Hartlepool police on (01642) 302126.