A CAMPAIGN has been launched for a safer route to school after it emerged pupils were left by the side of a dangerous road when their bus broke down.

Parents were outraged and, in response to the incident, six ward councillors for Ingleby Barwick have held talks with Stockton Borough Council's transport and children's services departments.

Council officials have admitted that there is no safe walking route from Ingleby Barwick to Yarm, along Leven Bank, and they say it would take five years to create a safe route to walk.

The response has angered parents, members of Ingleby Barwick Parish Council and the Ingleby Barwick Independent Society (Ibis).

Councillor David Harrington, representing Ingleby Barwick east ward, said: "We are deeply concerned.

"We've held meetings with worried parents and also council officials and an investigation was launched over the youngsters being told to walk home by the driver.

"We have been told that the council admits there is no safe walking route for Ingleby Barwick pupils to Conyers school and it would take about five years to find a solution.

"We are extremely concerned, and we want the council to address this urgent issue."

When the bus broke down on the Leven Bank in November, a group of boys were told to get off the bus, which is not local authority transport, and told to walk home at about 3.45pm.

Coun Harrington said the driver advised the girls to wait on the bus for a replacement.

Chairwoman of Ingleby Barwick Parish Council Irene Machin, said: "There are no footpaths along Leven Bank, and it is absolutely disgraceful that youngsters are walking anywhere near there.

"It is even more disgusting that the council has said it will take five years to do something about it.

"This is not an isolated incident, school buses regularly break down on Leven Bank."

A Stockton council spokesman said: "The issue of walking routes between Yarm and Ingleby Barwick was raised during the recent area transport strategy meetings.

"It was agreed that we would investigate this as part of the next local transport plan.

"A default notice was issued to the bus operators in relation to an incident which occurred in November, and we continue to liaise with the bus operators to ensure that such incidents do not recur."