BASKETBALL stars teamed up with primary school children to promote reading among youngsters.

Players from Teesside Mohawks basketball club watched the 1970 film version of The Railway Children yesterday with pupils from Bishopton Redmarshall Primary School.

The screening was part of the One Book for Darlington 2006 project.

Several schools will be watching the film at Darlington Arts Centre this week.

The project, run by Darlington Borough Council, was set up to encourage more people to read.

All primary schools in the book will also receive 30 copies of Edith Nesbit's The Railway Children, enough for a whole class to read together.

Councillor Chris McEwan, cabinet member for children's services, said: "This is an excellent way to encourage everyone in the community to not just read more but to get more enjoyment from books and how they can relate to everyday life."

Pupils will also have the chance to take part in art, drama and dance workshops with professional artists.

One of the highlights of the project will be a Railway Children Weekend at the Railway Centre and Museum on February 18 and 19.

There are tickets available to watch the film on Thursday and Friday at 10am and 1pm. For details ring (01325) 349616.