A CAMPAIGN is being mounted across the Hambleton district in an effort to stamp out benefit fraud.

Promotional mirrors will be on display at roadshows across the area, to publicise the local authority's fraud hotline.

Officers will be in market towns asking residents to look in the mirror and think about whether they know anyone who is cheating the system.

If the answer is yes, cheats can be reported confidentially and anonymously through the hotline.

In the past year, Hambleton dealt with 4,437 claims for housing and council tax benefit. In the eight months to December, officers looked closer at 119 claims - 16 of which were found to be fraudulent.

"Benefit fraud is not a victimless crime," said cabinet member for housing David Blades.

"Benefit cheats are stealing from us all - our friends and our families. Every year, it costs £1.5bn nationally, and that is money we could spend on other public services."

He added: "We are working to make sure that everyone who is entitled to benefits gets them. But we must also ensure that we don't suffer from the cost of crime."

To help in the fight against fraud, call the Hambleton benefits hotline on (01609) 767065 or the National Benefit Fraud office on 0800 854 440

Cheats can also be reported online at www.targeting benefitfraud.gov.uk

The roadshows will be held from 10am to 2pm at Thirsk Market Place, on January 30; Bedale Market Place, January 31; Northallerton High Street, February 1; Stokesley High Street, February 3; and Easingwold Market Place, February 10.