BACON and eggs along with healthy cereals and fresh fruit were on the menu for youngsters celebrating Farmhouse Breakfast Week yesterday.

About 100 youngsters enjoyed a traditional breakfast as guests of the Yorkshire Agricultural Society at its showground in Harrogate, North Yorkshire.

The society organised a morning of workshops and activities, which culminated in breakfast to highlight the importance of healthy eating and the importance farmers play in food production.

Chief executive Nigel Pulling, who helped serve up the meal, said: "In Yorkshire we are extremely fortunate to have some of Britain's finest farmers and the high quality of food they produce makes using local produce a sensible and enjoyable option.

"Our aim in hosting the breakfast event is to reinforce the message that eating healthily gives you a great start to the day, and helps youngsters understand the link between the food on their plate and the crops and animals in our fields, plus the role farmers play."

The youngsters came from Harrogate's Western primary school.

Teacher Joe Cooper said: "We are committed to promoting the importance to children of eating healthily and having a balanced diet.

"The event today has been an excellent way of reinforcing this, and also highlighted to the children where their food comes from.

"We have thoroughly enjoyed the morning and as teachers it gives us a good platform to extend their knowledge with work across the different areas of the curriculum."