ENFORCEMENT officers who wrapped up a successful operation to combat underage drinking and car tax dodgers became knights in shining armour to help a stranded motorist.

The exercise, dubbed Operation Scarab, saw Stockton Borough Council enforcement officers challenge large groups of youths over unacceptable behaviour and confiscate a substantial amount of alcohol.

But just after finishing their shift at midnight, officers Dan Thomas and Dave Raison came across a woman motorist in distress after her exhaust had come loose in Billingham, Teesside. The two officers rolled up their sleeves, made a temporary repair and escorted the grateful driver and her car to her home in Stockton.

The operation, last Friday, began with a morning crack down on car tax dodgers.

Acting on tip-offs from local residents, officers seized eight untaxed vehicles under powers from the DVLA. And as well as seizing cider, beer, wine and spirits from underage drinkers, the officers issued four fixed penalty notices for litter offences and six notifications of anti-social behaviour.

Stockton council's anti- social behaviour and youth teams will follow up this work, while trading standards officers immediately carried out undercover inspections of stores alleged to have supplied the alcohol to the underage drinkers.

Councillor Paul Kirton said: "These officers are helping make Billingham a cleaner, safer place to live.

Graeme Small, Stockton council's senior enforcement officer, said: "I was proud that the two officers were able to assist the lady with the faulty car - it's all part of the service."