BRAIN tumours could be triggered by a virus, according to international research led by a North-East scientist.

The discovery could lead to better treatment for this potentially life-threatening form of cancer.

Despite the discovery, the researchers have stressed that people cannot "catch" cancer.

Experts believe that infections are only likely to trigger cancer in a very small number of people who are genetically susceptible to the disease.

Dr Richard McNally, of Newcastle University, was in charge of a team of British and Dutch researchers who carried out the analytical work.

After studying the records of adults diagnosed with brain tumours in the North Brabant province of the Netherlands, the team realised that the pattern of brain tumour cases looked remarkably similar to the pattern of diseases caused by infection.

The discovery adds weight to a theory that outbreaks of viruses are a possible contributory cause of brain tumours.

Diseases caused by more constant environmental factors, such as pollution, produce clusters of cases in one place over a much longer time period.

The research team stresses it is too early to say exactly which infections could be the cause and says that more research is needed to pinpoint what they are.

The findings, published in the European Journal of Cancer, could be a step towards developing better preventative measures for cancer.

Dr Richard McNally, of Newcastle University's School of Clinical Medical Sciences (Child Health), said: "Very little is known about the cause of brain tumours and we think our research brings us closer to understanding more about this disease.

"We only found clustering of cases in the East of the province we investigated, and we think it could be something to do with the way infections spread in less densely populated areas."

The results of this work are consistent with earlier research led by Dr McNally into childhood cancer in North-West England.

This discovered patterns in the diagnosis of two forms of cancer - leukaemia and brain tumours - in that they tended to occur together at similar times and geographical locations.

Dr McNally said future research should try to identify the infections that appear to trigger brain tumours.

The research was funded by Cancer Research UK, the Dutch Cancer Society and the Christie Hospital Research Endowment Fund.