TAXI drivers in Darlington have been left confused after being told they are still unable to use bus lanes in the town.

The drivers had thought they were allowed to use bus lanes, following a decision made by Darlington Borough Council's cabinet earlier this month.

However, a letter sent by the council to cabbies in the town has informed them they are still unable to use any of the bus lanes until a safety audit of the proposed move has been carried out.

Linda Linley, the secretary of the Darlington Hackney/ Private Hire Association, said: "There's an awful lot of drivers thought they could use the bus lanes and then this missive has come out from the council.

"It really needs some clarification."

The taxi drivers had asked to use the bus lanes as part of the £6.5m Pedestrian Heart development.

The cabinet had agreed that, for a six-month trial period, Hackney carriages could use the Coniscliffe Road and Stonebridge/St Cuthbert's Way bus lanes.

They would also be given access to Northgate from the Northgate/inner ring road.

However, the letter from the council states that, before this can happen, a safety audit is needed to assess the implications of permitting taxis to use the bus lanes.

It adds: "Until informed in writing by the council to the contrary, taxis are not permitted to use any bus lanes or drive into Northgate between 7am and 10pm."

A council spokesman said: "A safety audit is in the process of being arranged and, once we have the recommendations from that, we would have to see about changing the traffic regulation order."