A PENSIONER awoke to find two men burgling his home at the weekend.

The 71-year-old had fallen asleep downstairs at his home in Meadow Terrace, New Herrington, Wearside, on Saturday afternoon when the pair let themselves into his home through an unlocked door.

Despite his protests, the burglars, who both spoke with Irish accents, helped themselves to money and personal items before leaving.

The householder was said to have been left very distressed by the incident, but otherwise uninjured.

One burglar is said to be in his mid to late 20s, about 5ft 4in and described as "thin and weedy". He has short, black hair, a pale complexion and was wearing a brown three-quarter length coat.

His accomplice is about 6ft and well built, with wavy brown hair. He was wearing a khaki body warmer, a long-sleeved top, possibly with denim sleeves, and jeans.

Anyone who recognises the description of the burglars, or who witnessed the incident which occurred at 3.15pm, is asked to contact Washington CID on 0191-454 7555, extension 66445.