POLICE warned farmers to take extra care yesterday after a spate of thefts of equipment totalling thousands of pounds during the past few days.

Two quad bikes, a sheep trailer and a tractor fitting have been stolen from farms in the area around Barnard Castle.

Two other quad bikes which were stolen from Leyburn, North Yorkshire, have been found abandoned at East Layton, near Barnard Castle. It is thought the same thieves might be involved.

Sergeant Ed Turner, of Barnard Castle police, said yesterday: "All these crimes may be connected, so we are urging all farmers to take particular care of this kind of equipment at the moment.

"They should be securely locked away when not in use and, if possible, given markings with security measures, such as Smartwater."

Anyone wanting advice about this can contact John Priestley, at Barnard Castle police station, or Don Luke, at Bishop Auckland police station.

One quad bike was taken from farm buildings at Lartington on Thursday, and a yellow flashing beacon system was stolen from a tractor near Barnard Castle the same day.

A sheep trailer was towed from a farm at Middleton-in-Teesdale on Saturday, and a quad bike was stolen early yesterday from a farm near Eggleston.

Sgt Turner said: "It seems thieves are targeting quad bikes and other farming equipment. It is not known why two stolen quad bikes were abandoned, but possibly the thieves felt they were in danger of being caught."

Anyone with information about any of the thefts is asked to call 0845 60 60 365 or Crime- stoppers on 0800 555111.