POSTERS and leaflets of a man who received a two-year anti-social behaviour order (ASBO) were yesterday circulated in the area he has terrorised for years.

For the past three years Gary Raisbeck has waged a campaign of intimidation against neighbours in Spennymoor, but complaints from the community are said to date back as far as 1995.

Earlier this month, the 38-year-old was ordered by South Durham magistrates to curb his behaviour, which has included verbal and physical abuse of residents of the town, or face a five-year jail sentence and/or a fine.

Yesterday's move is the first time that crimefighters in Sedgefield have publicised an Asbo served against a resident of the borough.

Anti-social behaviour reduction co-ordinator and chairman of the Sedgefield Anti-Social Behaviour Panel, Helen Stewart, said the decision to launch a publicity campaign about Raisbeck was not made lightly.

She said: "It is not a naming and shaming exercise but to help enforcement of the order by informing the local community of the terms and conditions."