THE television debut of a North-East actor takes place this weekend.

Peter Sandys-Clarke, 24, who is originally from Staindrop, in Teesdale, is starring in the ITV production, Foyle's War, which will be screened at 9pm tomorrow.

Mr Sandys-Clarke, who attended Birmingham University, plays a scientist developing biological weapons who falls foul of Chief Superintendent Foyle in the wartime drama.

Mr Sandys-Clarke, who now has a home in London, lived at Raby Park and attended Uppingham School, in Rutland.

He was invited to audition for the part in Foyle's War after he was spotted performing in the critically-acclaimed Journey's End, in the West End.

He said: "I've always loved acting and there is nothing I would rather do as a career.

"Journey's End was a fantastic first job and a great experience and I was working with some great actors.

"This will be my first television role - I've already seen it, so it won't be too awful watching it when it goes out."

Mr Sandys-Clarke is now looking for more acting work and is hopeful his appearance on Foyle's War will help him get more parts.