WORK to improve the appearance of a village will be exhibited tomorrow.

Designs are being drawn up to improve Front Street, in the village of Witton Gilbert, near Durham City, and an exhibition showing the plans is to be staged in the village primary school.

Work will cover the area near the Glendenning Arms pub and the designs, being drawn up by Durham County Council, include removing concrete paving slabs and replacing them with buff flagstones to match those installed during earlier improvement works.

The proposals also include coloured setts for access roads, new conservation kerbs, bollards to prevent parking on pavements and cast iron railings.

Funding includes £30,000 over two years from the county council, up to £8,000 from the budget of county councillor Don Ross and £12,500 from Witton Gilbert Parish Council, which has been heavily involved in the project.

Durham City Council is also seeking funding through its Flourishing Villages scheme.

Visitors to the exhibition will be able to see plans and speak to officers from the county council.

Comments sheets, which should be returned by February 3, will be available.

Work is expected to start shortly after April.