A MOUNTAIN rescue team is looking for recruits.

Teesdale and Weardale Search and Rescue team is looking for members to join the team, which covers the whole of County Durham, including Cross Fell.

The team, who are all volunteers, average 45 call-outs a years. However, because of work and other commitments, members are not expected to attend every call-out.

Team spokesman Steve Owers said: "The type of men and women we are looking for are keen walkers or climbers who are fit and have basic hill skills such as being able to read a map and take bearings.

"We will give training in mountain rescue skills and casualty care during a one-year probationary period."

An open evening is being held at the team's centre, behind the police station, in Harmire Road, Barnard Castle, on Wednesday, January 25, at 7.30pm. Anyone who is interested in joining the team can go along or call (01388) 601218 for more details.