A MAN killed his housemate after a drunken row erupted as they watched The European Cup final, a court heard.

Robin Jacques, 41, and Barry Thompson, 41, had gone to a friend's house to see Liverpool play Milan in the Champions League Final on May 25, last year.

But during the game the pair argued over who should go to the local shop for more alcohol, and the row resulted in Jacques launching a drunken attack on Mr Thompson when they got home.

Prosecutor Aidan Marron QC told the court how the blows to Mr Thompson's head resulted in his death two days later from brain injury.

"The defendant unlawfully attacked the deceased and it was that violence which the crown submit caused the injury which ultimately took the life of Barry Thompson," he said.

The court heard that the morning after the attack, Jacques went to work but discovered he could not wake Mr Thompson who was lying on the sofa, when he returned.

Mr Marron, said Jacques went to the nearby home of Mr Thompson's parents and asked them for help.

The court heard how Mr Thompson was taken to the University Hospital of North Durham before being transferred to Newcastle General, but despite efforts of medics he died the following day.

A post mortem revealed his death was due to brain injury caused by blunt impacts.

Jacques was arrested and told police he had punched Mr Thompson two or three times in the face causing him to fall back on to the settee after he became aggressive.

Prosecutors said both men were heavy drinkers.

Jacques, of Park View, Burnopfield, County Durham, denies manslaughter.

The trial continues.