SPORTING legend Jonathan Edwards has backed a contest which encourages pupils and schools to use creative writing and art to express their feelings about racial equality.

The Arts and Minds competition, run by the teachers and headteachers union NASUWT, is now a regular event.

The triple jump world record holder and former Gateshead Harrier backed the event, saying: "As soon as I heard about Arts and Minds, I had no hesitation in giving the competition my support.

"During my life as an athlete and now a presenter, I have been privileged to experience the rich cultural diversity Britain has to offer. It is truly inspiring.

"There are many faiths and creeds in Britain today and we should celebrate and cherish each of them. I hope this competition will help children in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland realise how lucky we are to live in such a diverse nation."

The union's general secretary, Chris Keates, said: "The endorsement of a world-renowned athlete will be a real boost for the youngsters working on their entries. It also underlines the importance of celebrating and highlighting the UK's cultural diversity."