FARMERS stricken by floods which caused thousands of pounds worth of damage and the loss of dozens of cattle, have been given help by Rotary clubs throughout Yorkshire.

The total of £40,000 was raised to renew fences and walls washed away in the June 19 flood and came in response to an appeal by the president of the Malton and Norton club, Les Chapman, after he had seen the devastation caused to farmers in Hawnby, Boltby, Snilesworth and Sutton-under-Whitestonecliffe.

Mr Chapman and the Rotary district governor, Chris Garner, a Hebden Bridge farmer, have visited farmers in the remote area of Snilesworth to hand over cheques from money raised by the 79 clubs in the district, as well as several from outside the region who gave their support after the nation-wide publicity of the northern Ryedale floods.

A further £10,000 each came from Ryedale District Council and the Yorkshire Agricultural Society, with about £30,000 from the North York Moors National Park Authority.