THERE is still time for people to play a key role in a service planned to mark this year's Holocaust Memorial Day in Darlington.

Darlington Borough Council and The Northern Echo have teamed up to commemorate the occasion, which has the theme One Person Can Make a Difference.

We are seeking courageous and inspirational people from the area to take part in the service, which will be held in the Dolphin Centre on Thursday, January 26, at 2pm.

The service will celebrate people from all walks of life who have made a positive impact on their community.

As well as war veterans and their relatives - and the families of Holocaust victims and survivors - the service will be open to members of the public who have made a real difference to those around them.

Whether they have challenged bullying, worked voluntarily for the benefit of others, or helped their neigh- bours, anyone who is valued by the wider community can be included in the service.

If you, or anyone you know, would like to mark Holocaust Memorial Day and attend the service, write with details about how the person has made a difference to their community to: Stuart Mackintosh, Holocaust Memorial Day, The Northern Echo newsroom, Priestgate, Darlington, DL1 1NF.

The closing date for entries is Saturday.