A FAMILY returned home from holiday to find the alleyway behind their house was strewn with Christmas rubbish.

The Nicholsons, from Langholm Crescent, Darlington, did not put out their own rubbish last week because they were away when collections were due.

But when they returned from their short break at the weekend, they found none of the street's rubbish had been collected.

Alexandra Nicholson said: "In the time the rubbish has been there, the bags have split and rubbish is strewn along the whole alley.

"We knew ourselves that we couldn't put out our rubbish on the collection day as we were away, so we have kept our rubbish in our yard for next week.

"However, following our return from a short holiday it seems that no rubbish has been collected between Christmas and now."

The normal collection day for Langholm Crescent is Tuesday but because of the Christmas holidays, Darlington Borough Council refuse teams were supposed to pick up the rubbish on Thursday.

Mrs Nicholson said: "I feel that as a health and safety environmental health matter and the attraction to rodents and disease, the problem should be eradicated as soon as possible.

"It is not just health and safety, access is also limited."

Some council collections were further disrupted over the Christmas week because of the wintry weather conditions.

A council spokesman said: "Rubbish collections were delayed over the Christmas period but deliveries should have been made."

For details of collection services, contact (01325) 388777.