A RACING fan hopes 2006 will prove to be the year of the greyhound.

Ken Alderson was chairman of the owners' association when Middlesbrough's dog track closed ten years ago.

Despite a 14,000-name petition, Cleveland Park speedway and dog racing stadium closed in 1996 when the land was sold.

In the years since, Mr Alderson has never wavered in his efforts to bring dog racing back to Teesside and has approached both Middlesbrough and neighbouring Stockton Borough Council, but in vain.

Instead, councillors in east Cleveland gave planning approval in November to the return of speedway at a location near South Bank.

However, Mr Alderson is not giving up his quest for Teesside greyhound racing.

He said: "I am going to give it one more go. I have one or two possibilities. I have been speaking to a businessman who knows two people who could put money into a stadium.

"I am going to find out whether these two investors are going to come in. I may write again to two other people I have written to already. I could get money from the banks but it is going to have to be matched by investors.''