A SUPPORT group helping the battle against one of Britain's biggest killers has won a festive boost.

The Northallerton Heart Support Group - which is affiliated to the British Heart Foundation - is £150 richer thanks to Hambleton District Council.

The cash, from the authority's leisure grants scheme, will help cardiac patients continue with exercise programmes once they have been discharged from hospital.

The group hosts weekly meetings to provide safe and structured exercise routines geared to the needs of cardiac patients.

Group treasurer Doreen Newcombe said: "As we are a self-funded group this grant money will help to keep the costs of admission down.

"It is sometimes a big step for a cardiac patient to attend an exercise session for the first time - but partners or friends are welcome to come along as well - and new members are always welcome.

"The social side of the group is also an important part of the rehabilitation process - we organise walks and theatre visits to aid recovery."

The group meets each Tuesday at 1.30pm in Brompton Village Hall.

For further details contact Doreen Newcombe on (01609) 770365.