Astrologist Cassandra Nye peers into her crystal ball and explains what life holds for is in the year ahead.


(21 Mar-20 Apr)

A great deal has changed, both in your life and your mind. Having felt tied down in the last year - sometimes in a good way - you have a kind of restlessness during 2006. There will be more freedom to do as you wish, in part due to better finances. Indeed, later in the year, around November, a career change or new direction has an amazing effect.

LOVE: This is not to be seen as a year when great passions will rule. Even so, an exciting but probably unsuitable liaison in September could prove stimulating but disruptive. Those who are married will find contentment in what they have.

RUSSELL CROWE (b. 7/4/64)

Avoid letting your restlessness drive people away from you. Being tolerant is difficult at first but eventually it will give you peace of mind. Developing your romantic and spiritual side should not be seen as a weakness.


(21 Apr-21 May

Hopefully, you are feeling like a new year full of excitement and challenges. Well, that is what is coming. People of all ages come in and out of your social life and you find yourself working and playing with equal zest. In both March and October there will be demands on your finances, perhaps due to travel commitments.

LOVE: It has been a while since you had so much success and excitement together in your love life. You will be delighted to meet a person who is both stimulating and caring. This could lead you to consider taking someone into your heart and your home. Be aware of the chances you have now for real happiness and deep attachment.


Your spiritual side has been developing along the right lines but this year it needs fine-tuning. To enhance your relationships both with yourself and others, there is a need to step back and take a cool look at your direction.


(22 May-21 June)

This is a wonderful "gift" of a year for you. Your confidence is inspiring to others and brings you cash aplenty. In both March and October there will be high demands on your time, particularly by younger people. Taking care of your health is more important at these times than making that extra dollar.

LOVE: There were many enforced changes in your heart's circle last year but better times are ahead. This is a time of emotional and physical closeness. You may already have a great relationship and this will continue to blossom. Equally, you could meet someone very special. A spiritual or new activity could be the meeting ground.

NICOLE KIDMAN (b. 20/6/67)

The circle of your heart is full of love and fulfilment in the coming year. There have been times when you doubted if you would ever find the right balance. Continue to develop your spiritual and caring side and love will flow to you.


(24 July-23 Aug)

There is much at the start of this year that you want to do, though progress may be slow to start with. Live for the present and avoid putting things off while waiting for people to change. You need to take control of your situation as others will then show more respect and be more helpful.

LOVE: There is a lot of choice in this area. Are you questioning a long-term relationship and does it need to change? Perhaps you seek something more exciting, but remember that the grass is not always greener on the other side. In August and November your plans could be badly disrupted, so have plan B ready.

MADONNA (b. 16/8/58)

There are times when you may feel a lack of direction this year. Talking to yourself rather than taking on board the opinions of others is preferred. Friends or relatives who you have not spoken to for some time may have a clearer view but remember that your mind is your own.


(24 Aug-23 Sept)

You will have courage and imagination in abundance in 2006 and this will see you through most situations with flying colours. There is still a long trail to your dreams but everything is in your favour if only you will "go for it". Pace yourself towards the end of the year as your battery could run too low. Don't forget what beaches are for.

LOVE: It's not all plain sailing on the romance front. There are changes yet to be made to the people around you, but a settled time will come. You must be ready for it by knowing and showing what you want to others. A relationship may falter because your partner does not understand what they want. This is not your fault.

HUGH GRANT (b. 9/9/60)

Seriously consider your options this year and make no decisions that give you doubts. There are many ways to lead your life and none are exclusively right. It is a time for 'mix and match' in both relationships and career.


(24 Sept-23 Oct)

Life has been easier for some months now and this is set to continue. There are times when it is hard to believe your luck. This is not a year to be timid but remember that pride has its place... keep it there! During a quest this year for better health and spiritual well-being, you may meet a very special friend. This may be a meeting of minds rather than hearts.

LOVE: During last year, you may have lost a love or realised that a love was not what it seemed. This may have led you to consider what you have in other respects and made those more important to you. Indeed it does seem that when love is not going smoothly, your career picks up.

GWYNETH PALTROW (b. 28/9/72)

There are areas in your life this year when you will at last be given credit for your talents. You are the captain of your ship and decide your course. Love may take second place but that is unlikely to be a problem.


(23 Nov-21 Dec)

This new year means many changes for you. This is not before time and just when you wondered when things would take a turn for the better, they do. The realisation that your health and spiritual well-being are more important than your career will serve you well in the months ahead.

LOVE: Involve your companions in your health regime, be it visits to health farms or simply walking in the park. There may be little for you to get excited about in your love life but that does not mean that you should not work at it. Build on all of your relationships, regardless of where they may be going.

MICHAEL OWEN (b. 14/12/79)

Possibly you feel that in not taking a certain position you let others down. Not so. Be true to yourself and what you know is possible for you. Your value is seen frequently through the eyes of others. You will not be disappointed in the reflection this year.


(22 Dec-20 Jan)

You have been given a lot of freedom of both mind and body for the coming year. Because of past restrictions of work you are determined to make the most of this. It is a time of discovery in many aspects of your life, and intellectually stimulating. New ventures bring financial rewards almost without effort.

LOVE: It is a year of friendships rather than grand passions. You may already have a perfectly balanced love life and wish no change to take place. It could be that you have decided to concentrate on your career a little more. You may have a fleeting yen for younger times but there are some things well left in the past.

KATE MOSS (b. 16/1/74)

There is a need now to cut away any dead wood in your life and place more emphasis on what you need rather than what you want. Simplifying life brings a weight from your shoulders and allows you to stand back and see things clearly. Come September, there is a new beginning.


(21 Jan-19 Feb)

Being really on top of the world is what you aim for and this is the time to achieve that. Not that you have had a bad time of late. Maybe there were times when you expected too much of others and were disappointed. Your career, however, is continually well aspected. Your health needs more of your attention on an ongoing basis while avoiding fads and fancies.

LOVE: Recent disappointments still stir your emotions but you must be seen to move ahead. Should you doubt your attractiveness then you will be pleasantly surprised in both March and October as your heart is again on fire. These fires may be temporary but serve to remind you that life goes on... and how!


Your determination to make a fresh start is admirable but more difficult than anticipated. A period of concentrating on finances and career may put you back on track emotionally. Reminders of your attractiveness are constantly forthcoming. This is not trite but a part of the balancing process.


(20 Feb-20 Mar)

Finances and work need careful attention in the coming year. There are many changes ahead and not all of them are welcome. Some may seem senseless but without them your creativity would eventually be stifled. Change is necessary to life and you will be well advised to "go with the flow" rather than fight a losing battle.

LOVE: This is a year when you must trust your instincts in love. Listen to your inner self and realise what you really need as opposed to what you think that you need. This is not rocket science. It is a simple approach that can work. Your love link needs constant evaluation throughout this year. It must be worth the effort to continue. Feel the truth.

DREW BARRYMORE (b. 22/2/75)

Bringing a simpler approach to both your love life and career serves you well. Too many fingers in the pie can spoil the taste and it is possible for life to become too complex. At the end of the day you have the control that you need.