A CLUE to the sender of mystery Christmas cards that have turned up at the wrong address each year for the past decade has finally been found.

Every Christmas for more than ten years, Peter Wareham has received a card addressed to Mr and Mrs R Day. The messages inside read 'With love from Dorothy and Diane'.

Mr Wareham does not know the recipients and the address of the sender is never enclosed.

This has meant that he has been unable to break the news to them that their cards are going astray.

However, this year's card contains a clue - two £15 gift vouchers bought from WH Smith, in Northallerton, North Yorkshire.

One voucher is addressed to Will and the other to Ed, both from Auntie Dot.

Mr Wareham, who lives in Stourbridge, in the West Midlands, said: "It is quite strange - we have been getting these cards for several years.

"These people cannot have much contact with each other or they would know the cards are not getting through.

"I keep opening them thinking there might be an address, but there never is."

Over the years, Mr Wareham has tried in vain to trace the intended recipients.

He lives in Heath Farm Road, but the address on the envelope is Heath Road.

Mr Wareham, a plumber, says there is no Heath Road in Stourbridge and inquiries at addresses in Heath Lane have drawn a blank.

Mr Wareham also does not believe there was anyone called Mr and Mrs Day who used to live in his house.

He said: "Now they have sent £30 of vouchers, it really should go to the people it is intended for.

"I am hoping an appeal in the local paper in the Northallerton area might help."

Anyone who knows Dorothy and Diane, who may be from the Northallerton area, is asked to call Joe Willis at The Northern Echo, on (01748) 850407.