A MOTHER-OF-THREE arrived home after a weekend break yesterday to find burglars had stolen goods worth £10,000, including all her children's Christmas presents.

The intruders ransacked her flat in Gainford, near Barnard Castle, County Dur-ham, and walked out with nearly everything of value.

She was devastated to discover that every gift she had bought and wrapped for her children, aged nine, two and nine months, had been taken.

They included a mountain bike, battery-operated bike, dolls, toys, DVDs, CDs and clothes. Also missing was a £1,300 diamond ring, other jewellery, antique ornaments, her husband's black drum kit made by Pearl and a double pushchair.

The woman, who has asked not to be named, was away with her children visiting her husband, who works in another part of the country.

She said: "I would love to tell you exactly what I would like to do to the thieves, but it would not be ladylike.

"They must be the lowest of the low to do this to a family.

"It was obvious that all the gifts were waiting to be given to our children, and yet they took the lot."

She said she and her husband would have to buy replacement gifts for the children.

The raiders forced open the front door of a house in the High Green area, then went in and broke into the flat.

Inspector Kevin Tuck, head of Teesdale police, said: "This is a sickening crime. We can only urge other families to make their houses secure when they are out, to foil any other thieves."

PC Hannah Wilson, who is investigating the burglary, said: "A crime like this is upsetting at any time, but is especially bad around Christmas when children's presents are taken. We are asking everyone in the village to tell us if they saw anyone acting suspiciously in the High Green area at any time over the weekend, or noticed any strange vehicle parked in the vicinity.

"We would also like to hear from anyone offered any of the items stolen."

Anyone with information is asked to call 0845 60 60 365 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.