DURHAM'S St Cuthbert's Hospice has been given more than £13,000 as an early Christmas present.

The hospice, which is running its Key Appeal to raise money for a new day unit, needs to raise £250,000 a year to cover its running costs.

Now its annual raffle, offering 21 prizes including a £2,000 first prize, has raised £13,685 towards those costs.

The tickets went on sale in September and donated prizes included a mini-cruise to Amsterdam, lunch at the Royal County Hotel, Durham, a colour TV, tickets to Durham's Gala Theatre pantomime, tickets for the Diggerland theme park at Langley Park and a home-made Christmas cake.

Community fundraiser Caroline Broadfoot thanked the businesses and individuals who donated the raffle prizes, volunteers who worked on the draw and ticket buyers.

The draw was made live on the city's new commercial radio station, Durham FM, during DJ Steve Phillips' show.